Spring can't come soon enough this year!
Other than the week of Christmas, I do not like winter.... and this year especially has tested my patience! But officially it begins this Saturday... hooray!
After the cold has killed my ground cover and a few plants that I didn't take care to cover, after the yellow pollen has come and gone, when those little green sprouts and our beloved Texas bluebonnets start to appear, I am happy again!
Our lives have seasons too... and with each spring, I feel a renewal and newness in my own life. I look at the opportunities I have with a fresh perspective. No matter what "season" we are in, in our own lives, we get to choose where we "live" today... to cling to the past, to dream of the future, or to embrace where and who we are today. I choose today!!
And God said,
"Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night.
And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years."
Genesis 1:14
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