Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving , present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6

I am a planner.  I like to come up with new ideas and then plan A to Z how to accomplish the task at hand.  Sometimes I get so pre-occupied with the plan I miss opportunities that God has placed square in my path, His little detours that make life what it's all about....

One of my favorite expressions is "If you want to give God a good laugh, just tell Him your plans!"

About 30 years ago when life was not going at all the way I'd planned it, I came across this poem and it totally changed my perspective and my life and now, all these years later, I can say without hesitation, it's been a great ride!!

P.S.   I worked on these sketches and posts a few months ago!  Little did I know what was in store for all of us, our country, and the world!  And how timely, this pre-posted sketch and message would be for today.  To be honest, I've been glued to the TV for days and it's taken it's toll.  But today is a new day and I'm taking to heart "The Road of Life."  We never know from day to day what will happen, but we can TRUST in the fact that God is ALWAYS in control and He will make good of every situation.  I do think it's a little ironic that the situation we are in worldwide has occurred during Lent.  A time when we are to "give up" something and to spend that time tuned into God.  To Rest, Renew, Transform, TRUST  and Shine. 

for more, please read: https://herviewfromhome.com/faith-gods-plans-are-greater/

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