Wednesday, October 21, 2015

HighCamp in Colorado

Welcome to HighCamp!  

When I say the name "HighCamp" I want to let out a sigh and I can feel my whole body relax.   I imagine a cool breeze and can smell the freshness of the forest?   Tucked deep in the woods of the Colorado Rockies, this retreat is the perfect "home away from home!"  I did this sketch as a thank you gift for their host after my client and her husband spent  some precious vacation time there this summer. 

I've always named my cars, Bing, Bamboo and my current one being Flo, named for her first road trip to Florida last summer....but I've never named my home (although my mom and dad did fondly refer to my apartment in college as Chateau Ghetto!)  

So, what's in a name... and how does it make you feel?
What name would you give your house?

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